Day tripping on the motos

This past Saturday my roommate Philip Birschbach and I headed norhtwest out of Los Angeles for a trip to the mountains over Santa Barbara.  

The route we chose was a trail called West Camino Cielo.  I recently drove this trail for a story in Automobile Magazine and figured it'd make for a solid day trip.  Once I told Philip he was all for it.

Racing slicks or not Philip is always game to huck a motorcycle off anything.

Even if it sends him straight into the bushes.

Bouncing around in true supermoto fashion.  

While Philip was busy having a great time, I was busy tending to my busted top box setup on the KLR.  More on that later, for now lets focus on the dude having a blast.

We continued on down the trail, stopping now and again to soak it all in, enjoy the view, and work on my stupid top box.  But around every corner was another amazing vista and great trail to romp on.

If you're in the area be sure to check it out.  The view is hard to beat.  

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